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Here are some ideas and guides to having
better date nights:

Ground Rules
Ground Rules

What we DO Recommend:
• Flirting
• Being Considerate
• Listening
• Recounting the first date you shared

What we DON'T Recommend
• Obsessive phone checks
• Texting others
• Answering phone calls

Getting Ready
Getting Ready

Remember your first song? First concert? Wedding dance? Play those nostalgic and meaningful tunes on the way to your date.

Remember what decade you first were dating in? Think of the key outfits and accessories. If you were dating in the 80s, break out some flipped collars, put a little Aqua Net in your hair, and take a trip down memory lane.

Remember any specific words, lingo, or slang from when you were dating? Try to incorporate them into conversations with your spouse and other people you come into contact with. Want to just keep the fun between you two? Reflect back on nicknames between you two.

Going Out
Going Out

Fun Questions to Ask Your Spouse
1. What was the first movie you saw in theaters?
2. Who was your favorite teacher?
3. What was the worst outfit you wore as a kid?
4. As a young teenager, what did you do for fun?
5. What was your first favorite tv show?
6. What was your least favorite chore growing up?
7. What TV show taught you the most about life?
8. What was your favorite movie as a kid? As a teen? Now?
9. Who was a role model for you growing up?

Having Fun
Having Fun

Need some ideas for your date night activities?

Go play on a playground for 10 minutes at an elementary school or park. See who can swing the highest.

Find a bowling alley and gaming arcade. Play one round of air hockey, bowling, basketball, etc.
*Bonus points if there’s a Photo Booth. Act out different Disney characters in each photo.

Go to a book store or library and play 3 rounds of tag. Winner picks desert!

At the Dollar Store, each of you grabs an item to represent your past, present, and future with your spouse. Pick the most encouraging item for each of you, and buy them.


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