Find Real Community with Other Singles

Belong to a church where your value is seen and appreciated inside a community that’s built just for you! Cornerstone Singles is for anyone unmarried who believes there’s no limit to how God wants to use them. An environment where single adults embrace their season of single-hood and understand the unique opportunity they have for spiritual and personal growth, and total commitment to God. Cornerstone Singles encourages ways to live a healthy & satisfying single life though biblical teachings, prayer meetings, educational seminars, and empowering events & activities.
30s/40s - 45+BIBLE STUDY | DAY | TIME |
CS Singles 45+ | Mondays | 6:30PM |
CS Singles 45+ invites you to join us for our Monday night
Singles 45+ Women | Thursdays | 6:45 PM |
Join other ladies from CS Singles for Thursday night 6:45pm Bible Studies at Cornerstone Church to grow in your positive relationships with Jesus and your sisters in the Lord! Must register for this class. Visit for the current or next session. When you sign up, designate Debbie Newport as your table leader, we will have our own table. See you there! |
Singles 45+ SNL (Saturday Night Bible Study) | Saturdays | 5:30 - 6:45 PM |
Location: A103 Main Worship Building |
Singles 30s/40s | Thursday | 6:30-8:00PM |
Location: The Depot |
CS Singles 45+ | Tuesdays | 7:00PM |
CS Singles 45+ invites you to join us for our Tuesday night