Next Cornerstone Online Experience
WATCH LIVE IN: 1 Days, 01 Hours, 55 Minutes, 33 Seconds


“Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people” - Galatians 6:10

Care & Counseling

We all struggle with issues of brokenness in our relationships with others. The Cornerstone Care & Counseling ministries offers healing and hope by providing realistic answers to life’s challenges.



Take the opportunity to get help through people who will approach your needs from a Biblical reference, realizing that God, in His Word, has given us excellent principles for doing life well. If you are looking for direction and encouragement for an issue in your life, we can help! Services, other than professional counselors, are offered at no cost.
Contact us at (480) 726-8000 for more information.

Click here for our Counseling Consent Form


Professional Counselors Excellent Christian counselors and psychologists that you can meet with at their offices for an additional fee.

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Trained volunteer counselors who offer direction and support through Biblical values.

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Cornerstone cares by providing prayer, support, encouragement, and hope. If you would like more information or want to serve, please Click for more information.

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Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12-step program that helps participants find freedom from hurts, hang-ups, and habits, including addictions, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors. We'll have dinner together, worship, plus valuable breakout sessions.

The CR curriculum will help you grow stronger in your faith, and this environment will provide a unique community in Christ. The program is held on Mondays in The Depot.

• 5:45 - 6:30p: Dinner
• 6:40 - 7:30p: Large group
• 7:30 - 8:30p: Open share groups
• 8:30 - 9:00p: Desserts

Childcare is available with registration and runs from 6:15-8:30p, but follows the Chandler school district schedule. If you have infants through kindergarten age, text CHILDCARE to 21999 to register your child(ren). CR Step Studies are held Thursday. For more information, contact

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Divorce Care is a caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences of separation or divorce. Divorce Care seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable Divorce Care resources to help you deal with the pain of the past as you look forward to rebuilding your life. New sessions begin Feb 2-May 4, 2025 and then Aug 3-Oct 26, 2025 at 12:10 in B1

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Help is here and hope is possible with GriefShare’s two-hour seminar on a Spouse on Wednesday, April 30, 2025 in Room B1 on our Chandler Campus. You will discover encouragement from those who understand and have found ways to overcome, discover why it won’t always hurt as much, and discover reasons for hope, with practical tips for coping. The format includes a video segment; an opportunity to talk and share in the group setting; and purchase a booklet ($7) on how to live with grief and rebuild your life. Text CARE to 21999 to register.

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GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. This is 13-week program is led by people who understand what it’s like to experience the loss of a loved one, whether a family member or a friend. This is a video seminar with workbook and group discussions. Meetings are held on Tuesday Evening is Jan 14-April 22, 2025 and then Aug 12-Nov 25, 2025 in B1 and Wednesday is Jan15-April 9, 2025, May 7-Aug 6, 2205, and Aug 27-Nov 26, 2025 in B1

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Restoring Hope is a support group for parents of Special Needs Families held Tuesdays, starting Jan 7-May 20, 2025 in B2 from 6:30 to 8:00p in Room A102 on our Chandler campus.

You will gain emotional support, encouragement, and insight from others as you dig deeper into the material in group discussion.

If you have infants through kindergarten age, text CHILDCARE TO 21999 to register your child(ren). If you have child(ren) with special needs who will require childcare, text Christine Wikoff (480) 643-9610 or email: Some fees may applyand scholarships are available; space is limited. If you have children (1st - 4th grade) who would like to go to Kaboom, text KABOOM to 21999. Child(ren) can be dropped off at 6:20p . . . for class start time of 6:30p.

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Do you have a desire to effectively communicate the truth of God’s Word to those who responded “Yes” to the gospel message? Come join the Evangelism team and learn the texting process of asking questions, sharing scriptures, and welcoming people into the family of God! To join the team, contact

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Your story is sacred and it matters! Join our community to experience more healing than you dreamed possible in safe relationships with others. Mending the Soul brings accessible healing from trauma & abuse in Jesus' name. For more information contact We will meet on Aug 6-Nov 12, 2025

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In partnership with Rescue America, Cornerstone's Call to Freedom ministry offers a message of hope in the darkness of sexual exploitation. Members of the church have an opportunity to reach out and be a voice of hope for those who need some. Join us for our monthly meetings, held every 2nd Thursday of the month on Cornerstone's campus in The Depot, and step into the fight against human trafficking. Text CARE to 21999 to register.

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You don’t have to navigate the weight of cancer alone. TLC Cancer Support Group is a faith-based discussion designed for cancer patients, caregivers, family, and friends, where participants can connect with others who may be facing similar issues. The sessions are held bi-monthly and are led by individuals who understand this journey. The TLC Cancer Support Group meets every first and third Thursday of the month, with new sessions Feb 6-June 5, 2025 and then Aug 7-December 4, 2025. Text CARE to 21999 to register.

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Prayer is powerful because God is! Our team would love to pray for you! Let us know your prayer needs by clicking the link to fill out the form.

NOTE: Any prayer request you share will remain confidential
and will only be shared with our prayer team for the purposes of prayer.
Ask for prayer
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