Cornerstone Church | Easter - Cornerstone Church
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Are you new? Wanting to check out Cornerstone for Easter for the first time? Fill out the form and we will send you some additional Easter information to make your visit a memorable one. We can’t wait to spend Easter with you and your family!

APRIL 18 - 20

1595 S Alma School Rd, Chandler, AZ 85286

Here’s what you can expect

Frequently Asked Question

We believe the church parking lot should feel less like Costco and more like a friendly valet experience. That's why when you first pull into the parking lot here at Cornerstone Church, you'll see friendly, smiling people ready to help you park your car in the right spot. We don't technically offer valet, but if you drive a fancy car, we're sure someone here would be willing to drive it for you! New Here guest parking is located in the front parking lots near the main Worship Centers. Look for New Here signs to direct you. Once you park, follow those same friendly smiles all the way to the "New to CS" tents and we will help you check in kids, get seats and more!

We get it; maybe for you, the last time you came to church was when your mom made you go, and you wore a clip-on tie, a button-up shirt from a school dance, and the one pair of pants that weren't jeans or wrinkly. Here at Cornerstone, we are a "come as you are" kind of church. You'll see many of us wearing t-shirts, shorts, flip-flops, and even a jersey during football season. We believe you shouldn't have to get fancy just to come to church. We just believe you should come to church.

Walking into an environment where it feels like everyone else knows what to do and where to go can feel really overwhelming. It's like that time you were the only one who "forgot" to study for that math test in college. You walk in and look around at everyone else, and they all seem ready, so you try to act like you are, too, but inside, you want to just bolt out the door! Don't worry; we're gonna give you the answers ahead of time! At Cornerstone, Easter services are about an hour long; we will have an immersive worship experience with songs and the words on the screen to sing along. Then we will hear an encouraging message based on good news from the Bible. That's it!

We will offer Spanish Translation for Easter on 4/18 at 5:00pm, 4/19 at 4:30pm and 4/20 at 12:15pm. Stop by the main lobby information booth for more information.

April 18th @ 5:00pm
April 19th @ 4:30pm
April 20th @ 12:15pm

We recommend arriving 20-25 minutes before the service to find parking, check kids into programming, and find a seat in the Worship Center.

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