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WATCH LIVE IN: 1 Days, 01 Hours, 55 Minutes, 33 Seconds

High School Camp

  • Biola University in La Mirada, California
  • June 11th-15th
  • cost: $499, now $399 for the month of March

High School camp is a five-day program for high school students to experience God. Each week includes daily devotional times, nightly worship celebrations, community discipleship, and challenging messages.


Jr. High Camp

  • Glorieta, New Mexico
  • June 1-5
  • cost: $820, now $399 for the month of March

A four-day summer conference event for sixth, seventh and eighth-grade students. Each day is designed to address the unique spiritual, cognitive, and developmental needs of middle schoolers in a summer conference setting.


5th Grade Day Camp

  • Emmanuel Pines in Prescott Az.
  • July 17-19
  • cost: $547, now $290

A four-day summer day camp designed for 5th graders. Each day will include epic games, Bible lessons, worship, and more.

register here

If you have any questions about camp that are not answered below, please email:

“I had so much fun attending sessions, having small group, and hanging out with new friends. I was so eager to learn more and grow in my relationship with Jesus Christ. At camp, I learned to forgive, heal, and grow.”

Emma Anderson,
Freshman Year

"Camp is the launch pad or starting point for so many students to start and grow in a relationship with Jesus; it is also an incredible place to find friends."

Alec Russo, Jr. High Director

"Summer camp is the best week of the year! Students find community & encounter Jesus in ways they never have before!"

Becca Judy, 5/6 Director


We want ALL students and their friends to join us! The heart of Cornerstone is that the price would never be a barrier between a student and a life-changing week at camp. Please click the link below to apply for a camp scholarship. One of our Youth Pastors will connect with you shortly.

Apply for Scholarship Sponsor a student


CHECK IN Chandler Campus | Student Center Patio
Wednesday, June 11
Buses roll out at 7:00 am (NO EXCEPTIONS)
RETURN Student Center Patio
Sunday, June 15 at approximately 10 pm

CAMP CHECKLIST: Bedding (sleeping bag or twin bed sheets/blanket and a pillow), clothes, modest swimsuit*, gym shoes, toiletries, Bible, notebook, pens, sunscreen, chapstick, water bottle. *A modest swimsuit is a full-coverage 2-piece or 1-piece. For any questions, talk with your small group leader.

MEALS/MONEY: Camp Shirts/Merch; students love CIY swag. Biola University also has some coffee shops available during the day. They will need Money for food on the way up and back. We will have a beach day where food will be provided, but if the students want a treat or to eat something while we are there, they will need Money.

ELECTRONICS: Students can only access their cell phones on beach day. Your student can be reached anytime by contacting their small group leader. Other devices, such as computers or laptops, are highly discouraged. If a student is taking summer courses, please inform Pastor Grant so we can make an exception.

We will be staying in the dorms at Biola University. Each room will have 2 Students. Genders will be divided by floor. Showers and bathrooms are located centrally on each floor. Adult leader rooms will be equally spaced amongst the student rooms.

If a case of bullying/hazing, medical emergency (bleeding, concussion, allergic reaction, hospitalization, etc.), or other situations deemed necessary, we will call parents immediately. We are also taking a nurse as a leader. If a student is caught bullying, stealing, or having brought drugs, knives, or any weapon to camp, they will be sent home at the expense of their parent/guardian."

Be sure to bring all medications in original bottles. You will check them in, write dosages, and place them in a baggie for the camp nurse at check-in. Please remember to grab medications at pick-up. We will hang on to them for three months. THEY MUST BE IN ORIGINAL PACKAGING WITH PRESCRIPTION FROM DOCTOR ON IT (if applicable).

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